
A Timney Christmas Story

Dec 1st 2023

Years ago, on a chilly afternoon on Christmas Eve, Paul and Rosemary Vehr were working hard in the shop to get the last of the orders packaged up and shipped out so Timney’s customers would get their triggers in time for Christmas. But no matter how hard the two of them worked, it seemed as though the list of orders wouldn’t dwindle, and soon enough the sun was dipping below the horizon letting them know it was time to close up shop. With so many orders left, the Vehr’s didn’t feel as though they could leave just yet, and on any normal day they would stay, but tonight was special. Tonight was the annual Christmas Eve dinner that Paul and Rosemary hosted with their 10 children and invited all their family and friends to so they could spend the holiday with their loved ones. But as Rosemary has always said, customers come first. There was no way they could go home before all the orders were shipped out. So, Rosemary called their home to let their eldest son, Tony, know they would not make it in time for dinner, but they would hopefully be home in time for a slice of pie. With that, they set off continuing with their task and commitment.

A little bit later, Paul and Rosemary heard a knock on the shop door and opened it to see who could be there so late on Christmas Eve. Low and behold, it was their 10 children and a host of family and friends with idle hands ready to help with the final orders. With all the additional help, the rest of the orders were finished in no time, and before they knew it, Paul and Rosemary were closing the shop door and heading home with their loved ones to celebrate the rest of the holiday.

After that day, the Vehr’s vowed to never let that happen again. They would make sure to have all the orders shipped out before Christmas Eve so everyone at Timney would be able to take both Christmas Eve and Christmas Day off to be with their loved ones.

Just like with the lollipops and Let Go and Let God poem, this is a tradition that holds true to this day! Each year, Timney is closed on both Christmas Eve and Christmas Day so every Timney employee can spend some much-needed time off with their loved ones. With that being said, we want to wish you a Merry Christmas before the official holiday start! We hope you have a wonderful holiday with the people you care about. We will see you again before the New Year.