Shipping Rates & Options for Online Orders:
Our primary shipping method is FedEx. In-stock items will ship within the first business day from the time your order is placed. Pre-order items will be shipped when stock is replenished. Once your order ships, you will receive an email notification with tracking information.
Standard: FedEx Ground is free.
Expedited: FedEx Two Day Air is available for $14.99
If you have any questions or special shipping requests, please email us at, or call us at (623) 223-1111 and we will be happy to help!
For shooters outside of the USA, we have international partners around the world who will are able to ship directly to you. Visit our Dealer Locator page to find an international dealer near you.
Shipping Deadlines
We ship daily, Monday thru Friday; orders placed over the weekend or on holidays will be processed and shipped on the following business day.
When time is of the essence and you have less than 10 working days for the package arrive, we strongly suggest calling in the order to ensure the product is in stock and will arrive on time.
For Christmas, we cannot guarantee on-time delivery on orders placed after December 15th.
Timney Triggers ships daily Monday thru Friday, orders placed over the weekend or holidays will be processed and shipped on the following open business day. If the item desired is backordered, it may take longer than expected to ship out and we cannot guarantee a specific delivery date. Reach out to customer service with any questions or concerns.
When time is of the essence and you have less than 10 working days for the package to arrive, we strongly suggest calling in the order.
For Christmas, we will not be able to guarantee on-time delivery on orders placed after December 15th.
Sales Tax
If the destination of your package is within the State of Arizona, applicable sales tax will be included on your order. If the destination of your package is outside the State of Arizona, sales tax will be collected as required by law in the destination state.
Delayed Items
If you want to get real-time information on the status of a product, please email or call (623) 223-1111. Due to demand, we package our products on an hourly basis each day, therefore, an item may become delayed before we are able to update our website with this information.
If an order has been placed for an item that is delayed, we will reach out to you to provide an estimated shipping date or suggest a substitute product if the estimated date is not satisfactory.